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A baby with a cold(NC) With kids back to their regular routine of school and extracurricular activities, families often struggle to keep everyone healthy during the dreaded cough and cold season.

Here are a few tips to keep your kids germ-free:


• Start off with getting a good night’s sleep. Take cues from physical signs of sleepiness (yawning, difficulty focusing your eyes, a lack of concentration), indicating that it’s time to go to bed.


• Be active as often as possible. Make exercise a priority for both you and your family’s physiological and psychological health. For parents and children who stay active it’s common, to experience some post exercise pain or even injury. When injuries or pain occur, try relieving muscle pain by applying a topical like Arnicare Gel. The gel, which contains arnica montana and other medicinal ingredients, temporarily relieves muscle pain and reduces swelling and bruising.

• Adopt healthy eating habits to feel better, naturally. As you get your children ready for school, make a fresh start with healthy foods to nourish their brains and help them grow.

• The fall means the start of the cold season. Look for a homeopathic medicine such as Coryzalia to relieve cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose and acute rhinitis in children ages one month and up and adults alike.

• Nasal and skin irritations often accompany runny noses and congestion. Cicadermine is a homeopathic, antibiotic-free solution, to soothe skin and facilitate healing of irritations, such as chapped skin, superficial wounds and redness from constant wiping and blowing.

• When stubborn coughs arise, many parents think that they are out of treatment options for their younger children. But there is a solution available to relieve coughs in children under six. Stodal is a homeopathic honey-based cough syrup used to effectively relieve both dry and wet coughs in children from one to 11 years of age. Keep in mind, these homeopathic medicines may not be right for everyone, always read and follow the label.


To help parents survive the cough and cold season, the experts at Boiron have developed the “Homeopathic Medicine Finder” App, which helps users quickly and efficiently find the most appropriate homeopathic medicines to relieve symptoms from joint pain, insect bites, stress, colds and flu. You can find the recommended solution, its indication and dosage, coupons and store locations. The app is available at